Think it, Speak It, Act It series
Acting Faithful The mentality of acting faithful stems from the fact that wicked people fall. The fall may not be immediate but they will fall. A faithful ambassador is one who will speak on behalf of their government or kingdom as an official of the Sovereign land of which they are born. Can we faithfully speak of the Kingdom of God. We are His children, should we not sound like our King? Should people recognize us by the way we look and appear, talk and act? Being a faithful ambassador is more than a statement it is a studied way of life. Represent Christ well!
Proverbs 13:17 A wicked messenger falleth into mischief: but a faithful ambassador is health.
God My King (Psalm 68:24), You have breathed into us the gift of life and made us a part of the your Kingdom and for this we say thank You. We further glorify You for the appointment of ambassador and for this we praise You. We decree and declare blessings for You have made us to represent You before men, so that as they look on us, they may see a reflection of You. For the sake of the Kingdom we pray, with an anointing in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, Amen.