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Do Your Instincts Make You A Refrigerator?

Instinct series

Do Your Instincts Make You A Refrigerator?

Can the people who invest in you, trust you to keep to pass on the values of what they instill in you. The unction that drives you to keep, process and share, the instinct is based on 2 Timothy 2:2.

A refrigerator is a keeper for things that are perishable but valuable to the spirit and the body of Christ (Genesis 4:2). Certain things in the spirit must be kept until the time of its use is needed but if you don't keep it until then you will lose the opportunity to use when it would be optimal. In contrast, Cain the brother of Abel was not a keeper (Genesis 4:9).

Your spiritual instinct must prompt you to understand the value of what is being shared with you, and imparted to you, and your responsibility to and for keeping the things that are valuable to the building of the Kingdom of God (John 15:1); all else is like dung (Exodus 29:14).

2 Timothy 2:2

And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.

God My Exceeding Joy, El Simchath Gili (Psalm 43:4), we thank You for the value of those things that have given to us for faithful keeping. We praise You for the instinct to process, keep and share the building blocks of the Kingdom. We decree and declare blessings upon those who act upon the unction of the Holy Ghost, so that; by the motivation of the Word, keep the things which Thou has given and resurrected in our souls with the Power and Glory of Your Glory. Now, for the Kingdom and the Glory of God, we petition, with anointing in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, and Savior, Amen.


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